In conversation with Chris Cottom

Our readers would like to know your inspiration (or story, if any) behind Overnight Success.

I’m embarrassed to say I can’t remember. I have, however, recently started to clock the source or sources of stories on my master spreadsheet.

Tell us more about your creative process in general.

Mooch around in a bad mood trying to think of something to write about. Write obsessively. Edit even more obsessively. Repeat.

Do you have any creative influences? What do you like the most about their work? Does it have a discernible effect on your writing?

I try to be as open as possible to all influences, including, but not limited to, everything I read. Do I love Jeff Landon’s ability to combine humour and pathos (for example in Zoo)? Absolutely. Did reading Abbreviated Glossary by Gay Degani suggest structure and format that I would never have dreamt of? You bet.  

Are there any creative genres, forms, themes, techniques etc. you wish you could employ in your writing which you haven’t yet?

Yeah, better words in a better order. And more lyricism please.

What are you looking forward to in your creative career?

See 4, above: better words in a better order. Writing more stuff that maybe makes me cry, or laugh, or just think ‘yes I quite like that bit.’

Chris Cottom lives near Macclesfield, UK, and once wrote insurance words. His stories appear in Agape Review, Apricot Press, Bournemouth Writing Prize, Cranked Anvil, Ellipsis Zine, Flash 500, Flash Flood, Free Flash Fiction, Hysteria, Love Reading, NFFD NZ, On The Premises, One Wild Ride, Overtly Lit, Oxford Flash Fiction, Parracombe Prize, Retreat West, Shooter Flash, Story Nook, The Centifictionist, and others. In the early 1970s he lived next door to JRR Tolkien. 

X (formerly Twitter): @chris_cottom1