Poetry | Issue 1 (April 2023)

One Goose Lands

Kate Deimling

Walking by the waterfront, we saw

the distant V approach,

narrow to a line.


We came closer, and they did, too,

spreading out their landing times


like air traffic control.

Right in front of us, one goose

beat its wings against the air like mad,


head pulled back like those photos

snapped on roller coaster rides,


feet speeding over the ground,

skidding across the dust,

and it felt like my own body


was thumping to earth

as I watched this bird, in steps,


tether itself to gravity once more,

stumble for a second, settle its feathers

into place, and sit quite still


surrounded by reedy shore

as if ready for its portrait.

Kate Deimling is a poet, writer, and translator from French. Her poems have appeared in Slant, Notre Dame Review, Tar River Poetry, I-70 Review, The Midwest Quarterly, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Plainsongs, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, and other magazines. She lives in Brooklyn, New York and is an associate poetry editor for Bracken.